Archive: Wildlife

May 10, 2018 | Jeff Wells
One of the most celebrated symbols of spring around the world is the arrival of migratory birds. As late migrants navigate through our neighborhoods and as earlier migrants begin to settle in and...

November 14, 2017 | Jeff Wells
Bright yellow and slate blue Canada warblers have been flying out of the boreal forest in the past few months heading south for the winter. These tiny songbirds are strong enough to make a thousand-...

April 10, 2017 | Dr. Jeff Wells
How many people know the truth about what is needed to maintain our animals, plants, clean air, clean water, and other values that keep us humans alive and healthy? Still not enough, apparently...

March 27, 2017 | Jeff Wells
If the Boreal Forest is the global ‘king’ of carbon, the Hudson and James Bay Lowlands would be the crown jewel. Wetlands dominate this open, expansive region...

March 22, 2017 | Jeff Wells
While this mosaic of dense forest interspersed with open and mixed wetlands lacks the formal name and official boundaries of other conservation planning regions, it is right up there with some of...

March 1, 2017 | Jeff Wells
Water is the dominant theme throughout much of Thaidene Nene. Wrapping around the East Arm of Great Slave Lake—the world’s 9th largest lake—Thaidene Nene extends far to the northeast and encircles a...

February 22, 2017 | Jeff Wells
Better known as Ts’ude niline Tu’eyeta to the Dene and Métis peoples of the Sahtu Region, Ramparts River and Wetlands is internationally acclaimed for its high volume of carbon-dense wetlands and its...

February 20, 2017 | Jeff Wells
As the world struggles to curb climate change and shield endangered mammals, birds and plants from extinction, Canada has a giant solution hidden in plain sight: its wetlands.

February 9, 2017 | Dr. Jeff Wells
Turner was sent by the Smithsonian Institution to northern Ungava where he lived from 1882-1884. While there, he collected thousands of specimens of animals, plants and photos as well as...

February 2, 2017 | Dr. Jeff Wells
It’s World Wetlands Day today, Feb. 2nd, 2017.And could there be a more fitting place to remember during this celebration than the most wetland-...