Archive: Conferences and Meetings
August 7, 2017 | Dr. Jeff Wells
Cuba may not be the first country you think of when you think of Boreal birds. But Cuba is the winter home for tens of millions of birds that breed in the Boreal Forest breeding birds and many more...
April 10, 2017 | Dr. Jeff Wells
How many people know the truth about what is needed to maintain our animals, plants, clean air, clean water, and other values that keep us humans alive and healthy? Still not enough, apparently...
March 3, 2017 | Dr. Jeff Wells
Most people go to Banff, Alberta at this time of year for skiing. But my colleagues and I are going to be there next week for an entirely different reason: the 2017 Canadian Parks Conference!
December 21, 2016 | Dr. Jeff Wells
The summit was led by and the agenda was set by Indigenous government, communities and leaders in contrast to most climate change related conferences are organized and led by government, researchers...
June 16, 2016 | Jeff Wells
There is something truly unique about the wild side of Prince Albert National Park. Ness Creek sits just beyond the western boundary line of the park, 20 km NW of Big River, SK. Over the last two...
November 2, 2015 | Dr. Jeff Wells
cpaws-talk.jpg Coming up this Thursday night (Nov. 5),  I get to be part of an event sponsored by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) Ottawa Valley...
November 15, 2014 | Dr. Jeff Wells
An event like the World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia is staggeringly bewildering. With 6,000 attendees and dozens of presentations, meetings, and events happening at any minute of the day, it...
November 14, 2014 | Dr. Jeff Wells
wpc2014-logo.png I arrived this morning (Nov. 14) after 20+ hours of flying and traveling in Sydney, Australia to attend the once-in-a-decade World Parks Congress....
June 23, 2014 | Dr. Jeff Wells
I had the good fortune to be able to visit Yellowknife—one of my favorite northern places—a few weeks ago (May 21, 2014). I have been to Yellowknife a number of times over the past nine years since...
November 12, 2013 | Dr. Jeff Wells
I looked out the window of the plane and 34,000 feet below was the coast of Portugal. As it receded into the distance and the view out the window shifted from the browns, greens, and reds of land to...



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