We’re Back!

September 12, 2013 | Jeff Wells

Bay-breasted Warbler
Credit: Jeff Nadler

Greetings all! After a brief hiatus for the latter part of the summer, we’re excited to say that we’re jumping back into action and look forward to continuing to share tidbits and stories about the boreal forest and the billions of migratory birds that breed there each summer.

This isn’t to say this summer has been quiet. While migrants from warblers and thrushes to ducks and loons were busy hatching and raising their young throughout the boreal forest, the International Boreal Conservation Science Panel released a new report arguing that at least half of the boreal should be protected from development.

Big? Absolutely. Bold? Perhaps. But this is what the most up-to-date science is confirming if we want to preserve the many great species in the boreal for generations to come in light of expanding industrial development and the worsening of impacts from climate change.

We were excited to see that the report received considerable notice from media, industry, government, and everyday folks like me and you. Here are a few of the articles:

Let us hope this message continues to grow and more decision-makers realize that acting now is of the utmost importance. We know the birds would surely chirp their approval…

Conservation, Science, Media


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