The Big Year Buzz

October 15, 2011 | Dr. Jeff Wells

Like the tens of millions of other bird enthusiasts around the country I have anticipated the release of the new movie The Big Year with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Excitement because the idea of a mainstream movie incorporating birding as a key element that begins to reflect how increasingly mainstream the hobby has become and because if done well, it would be fun to be able to see a movie from an insider’s perspective. But the apprehension is there as well because often the idea of birding can be treated as a goofball, eccentric plot element that makes it seem foolish and trivial. Let’s hope that they don’t fall into that one. The other bit of apprehension is around whether the movie will be any good. It would be a bummer if we finally get a movie that treats birding in a somewhat realistic and positive and human light but that it is so bad that no one wants to watch it.

I can’t wait to see it and find out!

Let us know if you've seen it yet and what your thoughts were below if so. I'd be curious to get other birders' perspectives on it!



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