Trip Update

June 23, 2008 | Dr. Jeff Wells

Irene OwsleyFriday June 20th:
Arrived at Miminiska Lodge on Miminiska Lake (part of the west-to-east flowing Albany River) 51 degrees north in Ontario… after an incredible 90-minute 240-mile flight north from Thunder Bay on Wilderness North's big DeHavilland Otter floatplane…canoes strapped to the struts and all four of us, our gear, and a crew from Wilderness North inside with room to spare.

Saw White Pelicans and Bald Eagles from the air during the north-bound flight.

On the arrival at "Mim" we were greeted by Bonaparte's Gulls, Common Terns and Common Loons.

By 4pm we were on our "paddle" in our two canoes on the Albany River… with three days to reach our destination of Fort Hope - the Canadian First Nation Eabametoong Reserve.

All around us is a sea of forest - mile after mile of tall pointed black spruce intermixed with the early summer minty green aspens and birch stacked like lollipops above the majestic 50-foot spruce and pine.

I'll be making sound recordings of the birds and keeping a diary, while Per - with his assistant Tim - photographs this wilderness splendor.

Eddie takes notes for an article he'll be writing. And we all paddle on into expected scattered rain, even thundershowers for day one of our three-day adventure.

More next week when I am back in contact.




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